Our mission
What is the mission of the Sindicato dos Metalurgicos de Macaé?
Our mission is to fight for the dignity of the worker, for really fair working conditions and mainly for employment.
What is the vision of the Sindicato dos Metalurgicos de Macaé?
The vision is to help the growth of a culture of justice in every sense of the word, be it professional or social.
What is the Value or what are the values?
Value must be unique, ethical and correct in the light of justice. Always struggling with good moral principles. After all, if we want justice, we need to start by being fair.
CNPJ: 30.419.774/0001-12
Count on us anytime!
Unions were formed to protect workers' rights. Alone, a worker can truly do nothing.
How to demand, how to claim, how to negotiate, how to be respected, how to enforce rights and achievements?